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14 years ago
The bias of the media and "the damaging effects it has had on the faultless past record of Sikh loyalty to India in India's early days , are few example where high media reporting & distortion of media reporting makes huge violence which whole country had to suffer
14 years ago
JUst to keep this thread on the top, today being the last day of the contest!! :)
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
14 years ago
Yes, media is diverting people. They are more concerned with TRP then sharing information.Barring few media people who are really directing youth in constructive way rest of them are diverting youth in wrong directions. I, think media should work for the betterment of society.
14 years ago
Today is the last day of the GD.Put your opinions and those who already put please post conclusion.
Today is the last day of the GD.Put your opinions and those who already put please post conclusion.
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14 years ago
To conclude, media just reflects the society like a mirror. This neither directs nor diverts. The media is not youth specific in general but the news and views about job, education, general knowledge and sports could be considered as youth specific. These may be said to be directing the youth. The religious and vulgar material in media can be said to be distracting youth. It is for youth to choose what takes them forward and what holds them back. The youth have definitely this much of discretion.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
14 years ago
Sometimes variables bias by media distract people's thinking and influence their responses to a persuasive message without any awareness of the effect.
so what gulshan quoted
media just reflects the society like a mirror. This neither directs nor diverts. The media is not youth specific in general but the news and views about job, education, general knowledge and sports could be considered as youth specific
hence media to always directs youth specific in general also the news and views about job, education, general knowledge should be responsibility of media as many follow media beliefs
so what gulshan quoted
media just reflects the society like a mirror. This neither directs nor diverts. The media is not youth specific in general but the news and views about job, education, general knowledge and sports could be considered as youth specific
hence media to always directs youth specific in general also the news and views about job, education, general knowledge should be responsibility of media as many follow media beliefs
14 years ago
I believe that media mostly divert the situation in some situation. Many times it has happened that media don't know the truth behind some of the situation. If they are having some information on topic, they just enlarge it, to show that they knew all of the information.This should not be done.
Media just tend to know only the upper layer of the siutation, but they don't go beneath to see the real truth of situation. In many cases this has happened. Media only know 10 or 20% of the situation, and they just tends to puts 100% in front of us. It often arises a question that to believe on such media or not. If the information is coming on one channel, then it comes in one or two hours on most of channels. It means that without going through the information, copying is done.
Media just tend to know only the upper layer of the siutation, but they don't go beneath to see the real truth of situation. In many cases this has happened. Media only know 10 or 20% of the situation, and they just tends to puts 100% in front of us. It often arises a question that to believe on such media or not. If the information is coming on one channel, then it comes in one or two hours on most of channels. It means that without going through the information, copying is done.
Want to make each day Accountable
14 years ago
Television can be a powerful entertainment and education tool for children given the right programming. However, Media influence on children is always bad. The harmful effect of media influence and how can parent counteract this negative media influence is really problem nowdays so fate is totally on media
14 years ago
Thanks to all the participants and viewers of the GD.THe result will be published soon.
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