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Kindly inform of the last date by which one should submit articles for consideration in the Top Writer's Contest every month. I have been submitting around 10th every month which seems to be far too out of date.
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Kindly inform of the last date by which one should submit articles for consideration in the Top Writer's Contest every month. I have been submitting around 10th every month which seems to be far too out of date.

The lat date is 25 th of every month to submit the articles for Top writers contest. All the articles written between 1st of every month and 25th are eligible.
Thank you said by: vijay
Kindly inform of the last date by which one should submit articles for consideration in the Top Writer's Contest every month. I have been submitting around 10th every month which seems to be far too out of date.

The lat date is 25 th of every month to submit the articles for Top writers contest. All the articles written between 1st of every month and 25th are eligible.[/quote

Vijay now hopefully you will be able to submit your articles soon within time. We all are excited to read your articles. Have fun !
Thank you said by: vijay
Kindly inform of the last date by which one should submit articles for consideration in the Top Writer's Contest every month. I have been submitting around 10th every month which seems to be far too out of date.

The date for submission for contest purpose 1st to 25th
The date to submit links 26th-28th

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Thank you said by: vijay
Kindly inform of the last date by which one should submit articles for consideration in the Top Writer's Contest every month. I have been submitting around 10th every month which seems to be far too out of date.

The date for submission for contest purpose 1st to 25th
The date to submit links 26th-28th

Article written and submitted on 25. can we submit the link of this article for the contest or not.
Thank you said by: vijay
Kindly inform of the last date by which one should submit articles for consideration in the Top Writer's Contest every month. I have been submitting around 10th every month which seems to be far too out of date.

The date for submission for contest purpose 1st to 25th
The date to submit links 26th-28th

Article written and submitted on 25. can we submit the link of this article for the contest or not.

Article generated on 25 is shown in the status of the article in the dash board. If it is on 25 th, it will be accepted.
Thank you said by: vijay
Thank you all for your replies especially Devyani
Thank you everyone for their input, this thread is closed now.

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