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15 years ago
Hi Harish,
As far as the first part you mentioned is correct. However, the commenter of the month will be selected for the comments made in that month only. Comments made before will not be considered.
- Maverick
As far as the first part you mentioned is correct. However, the commenter of the month will be selected for the comments made in that month only. Comments made before will not be considered.
- Maverick
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Hello Maverick,
That's right; I could get it that keep posting comments.
Editors and moderators will declare the winners on their own after selecting the comments from each month.
- Harish Jharia
That's right; I could get it that keep posting comments.
Editors and moderators will declare the winners on their own after selecting the comments from each month.
- Harish Jharia
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
Hi All,
It is now time to declare the winner for this contest.
The winner for the month of Aug 09 is Swetha Shenoy. She is very helpful to all the members in giving best comments on their articles and also suggesting them to write in good English.
Let us congratulate her. Congratulations Swetha.
- Maverick
It is now time to declare the winner for this contest.
The winner for the month of Aug 09 is Swetha Shenoy. She is very helpful to all the members in giving best comments on their articles and also suggesting them to write in good English.
Let us congratulate her. Congratulations Swetha.
- Maverick
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Hello Swetha,
Congratulations Swetha for the the award for your hard work, sincerity, excellent writing skills and decency in interaction with other members of Boddunan.com.
Keep it up
- Harish Jharia
Congratulations Swetha for the the award for your hard work, sincerity, excellent writing skills and decency in interaction with other members of Boddunan.com.
Keep it up
- Harish Jharia
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
Congrats!!!! Swetha :laugh:
You gave a higher quality to others articles by commenting so properlyin a helpful way. The English section is really great. You reviwed many article, actually re-written them in a btter way.
You did a really good job. Congratulations once again. :)
Hope you get more such awards...
-Atul Barapatre
You gave a higher quality to others articles by commenting so properlyin a helpful way. The English section is really great. You reviwed many article, actually re-written them in a btter way.
You did a really good job. Congratulations once again. :)
Hope you get more such awards...
-Atul Barapatre
15 years ago
Hai Maverick,Atul and Harish!
Thankyou so much for this award.....I did not write the comments that people get bitter,but I am doing my part to help them!
Imagine my surprise when I am viewing this from kerala!
I hope to take our website to greater heights!
Thankyou all!
Swetha Shenoy :D
P.S Happy Teachers day dear moderators(Maverick,Atul),editors and admin for their valuable help!
Thankyou so much for this award.....I did not write the comments that people get bitter,but I am doing my part to help them!
Imagine my surprise when I am viewing this from kerala!
I hope to take our website to greater heights!
Thankyou all!
Swetha Shenoy :D
P.S Happy Teachers day dear moderators(Maverick,Atul),editors and admin for their valuable help!
Swetha Shenoy
15 years ago
Congrats Swetha :laugh:
You deserve many more awards here.
Keep it up.
Sridhar Kesireddy
You deserve many more awards here.
Keep it up.
Sridhar Kesireddy
15 years ago
Hey Maverick
I have noticed you have not provided my profile link to my name as I don t see it.
I have noticed you have not provided my profile link to my name as I don t see it.
Swetha Shenoy
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