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12 years ago
HE HE HE!! This is just so hilarious!
I just checked out the Quotes section and found it overflowing with quotes submitted by Karuna_sapra as her own and ALL of them copied from books, movies etc.
See this: “I'm gonna fight for you, until your heart stops beating.” - KARUNA
This is a dialogue by Jacob Black from the Twilight series!!! :blink: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo:
I too was not aware that we could not submit quotes written by others - i did submit one long before, quote by someone distinguished, uploading a picture of him and also giving credit for the person....is that ok or is it still against the rules ?
@ sunil...And why do you think this is against the rules, quote is a statement given by a prominent personality and you have done just that.
Actually that is what we are supposed to do in the Quotes section but this particular user is uploading quotes by prominent people, dialogues from various movies etc. as her own!!! :woohoo:
Thanks a lot Sunil, Kalyani for clearing my doubts... :) i have been wanting to know about this since a long time...
Now you can submit some good quotes here!! :)
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: usha manohar
12 years ago
so quotes section means, quoting our own thoughts :blink: :blink:
it's not at all easy :silly: :silly:
thank God, I haven't entered that section till now :S :S
it's not at all easy :silly: :silly:
thank God, I haven't entered that section till now :S :S
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I have submitted some quotes by my name, but those are not at all written by anyone and is my own creativity. I have created those quotes by my own.
If you are pointing on me, then i would like to know.
I just want to confirm that any problem is created by me or not.
I always believed that 'quotes' are those that are stated by celebrities and famous personalities. Can somebody give his own statement in quote section.
i agree with you sir.
quotes are said by great persons. How can we quote? :whistle:
i thought that quote section is to read great words told by great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda etc :dry: :huh: :huh:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
so quotes section means, quoting our own thoughts :blink: :blink:
it's not at all easy :silly: :silly:
thank God, I haven't entered that section till now :S :S
Is it? :blink:
I thought we can submit quotes of celebraties provided we should mention their name with the quote. :blink:
12 years ago
so quotes section means, quoting our own thoughts :blink: :blink:
it's not at all easy :silly: :silly:
thank God, I haven't entered that section till now :S :S
Is it? :blink:
I thought we can submit quotes of celebraties provided we should mention their name with the quote. :blink:
yes, i also thought so. :blink:
just buy a quote book. we can get 1000's of quotes of famous personalities with their name beneath :whistle: :whistle:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Yes I also agree with what Maverick has posted regarding spam. Boddunan.com is a paying site. Hence we should write our own stuffs rather than copied items. Boddunan pays for something new and different.
12 years ago
Writing our own views in quotes is so much difficult. The words are given to us by great personalities so we can follow them.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
12 years ago
so quotes section means, quoting our own thoughts :blink: :blink:
it's not at all easy :silly: :silly:
thank God, I haven't entered that section till now :S :S
Is it? :blink:
I thought we can submit quotes of celebraties provided we should mention their name with the quote. :blink:
yes, i also thought so. :blink:
just buy a quote book. we can get 1000's of quotes of famous personalities with their name beneath :whistle: :whistle:
Why to buy a book you can search some good quotes on net itself?. :laugh:
12 years ago
i wonder how members submitted 1000 and 2000 quotes within 2 or 3 days most recently and admin approved them! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
i wonder how members submitted 1000 and 2000 quotes within 2 or 3 days most recently and admin approved them! ;) :laugh: :laugh:There is no approval process exist on that section. You submit, it will get added.
Anyway, since the message is clear that quotes section is not a place for copycats, I would like to lock this thread now.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
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