The main objective of this organization is to prevent wars and to preserve peace it the world. This highly respectable United Nations' Organization was established at the end of Second World War. The United Nations consists of 50 nations worldwide. A treaty was signed on June 26,1945 at San Francisco where the U.N.O was born.
Structure Of U.N.O:
The U.N.O to maintain peace among united nations has 6 bodies. They are:
- The General Assembly.
- The Security Council.
- The Economic And Social Council
- The Secretariat.
- The Trusteeship Council.
- The International Court Of Justice
Some Of United Nations Organizations:
- UNCTAD- The United Nations Development Program.
- UNIDO- The United Nations industrial And Development Organization.
- UNDP- The United Nations Development Program.
- UNITAR- The United Nations Institute For Training And Research.
- UNICNDPS- The United Nations International Control of Narcotic Drugs and Psycho-tropic Substances.
- FAO- Food And Agriculture Organization.
- UNICEF- The United Nations' International Children's Emergency Fund.
- UNEF- The United Nations Emergency Force.
- IAEA- International Atomic Energy Agency.
- ILO- International Labour Organization.
- WHO- World Health Organization.
- UNESCO- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
- IDA- International Development Association.
- IMF- International Monetary Fund.
- ITO-International Trade Organization
That's it folks.
Hope you gained some knowledge.
Thank you,