Friendship is a bonding between like minded people but at the same time it should be taken care of and well nurtured. You can do this easily by just following or remembering a few principles of friendship :-
1-) SMILE :- Be the first one to give a smile. It will take you a mile.
2-)THANK :- Thank people promptly. It will motivate others to keep doing good.
3-) APRECIATE :- Appreciate when you observe something worthwile, you will rise in the estimation of others and make their day
4-) WISH/GREET :- Wish them when you meet/see someone. You will connect immediately
5-) APOLOGISE :- Always apologise when you commit a mistake. It will make you feel very light and unburdened.
6-) ENQUIRE :- Always enquire about the health and well being of others. They will feel cared for and wanted.
7-) HELP GENEROUSLY :- This will increase people's faith and their good will.
8-) FORGIVE:- Always forgive mistakes as soon as possible and so unburden others.
9-) NAMES :- Try to remember people by their face. They will admire you.
10-) FRIENDS:- Take an extra step to remain in touch. A true friend is more precious than gold.