For parents and other adults in charge, include healthy foods in the diet of children often represent a great challenge that sometimes becomes problematic and even disrupts the relationship with the child.
However, we know it's not impossible task even if we assume that it is not easy, therefore, we give you some tips on how to help children to eat healthy foods and thereby contribute to a more balanced infant diet.
First, we must remember that children imitate their elders, and usually eat what is daily, so if it sat as a child to share the family table and we all eat spinach tortilla, the child will eat too.
If this is not achieved so easily, it is good to know that children often move away from new flavors due to a process called neophobia, with which the body defends itself against the risks of eating something unknown. This process can be overcome but the adult must insist that without forcing you to eat, that is, the food must file several times before giving up of their inclusion in the diet, because certain times only after the child's body have realized that the food is safe.
On the other hand, it is helpful to involve children in preparing food for there children know what they will consume and thus is more likely that if you eat cooked broccoli later.
There are good deeds to use food as a reward or punishment, forced to eat or eat separately adult children, and that this does not help that small eat what we want and is good for your health.
Of course, if meal time is a complete discussion, the child does not associate with anything good, and if the house ever eaten tomatoes, the child will not