Hello friends just check out the list below.
1-Hunger remains the No.1 cause of death in the world.
2- 1/3rd of the world’s hungry live in India.
3- 5 Indians die every minute from hunger
4- 25 lakh Indians die every year from hunger.
We have this data and I do not think we can stop all these by discussing here or some where else.
lets do something atleast we can save a single person life that will be a great reward for us.
I found a site called www.bhookh.com
who si providing free food to poor people and they ahve made this web site where some sponsors are there but tehy need visitors to give payment to bhookh.com
so friends we can help this site , we can visit this site on daily basis so that we can feed atleast one hungry person.
Thank you for reading my article and visiting bhookh.com