Lot of buzz happening at the current recessionary times with all the companies. I would like to remember one quote regarding the stock markets "When everything is fine nobody complains". This is getting experienced by most of the investors of the Indian Stock Markets especially Satyam and Maytas investors.

When the markets are at its best, the investors of these companies are the more than happy kind of persons even though something bad happens behind the scenes. The worst part is the investors ignored those bad signals even though they leaked a long time back.

The realities will come true only when the scene changes. In the situation like current recession time, everything looks bad even though there is nothing much to think about it.

For example companies like Educomp are facing severe pressures of the rumors that the management has forged the balance sheets much like Satyam. However, the actual thing will come to know only when the insights of the situation is revealed.

Ok lets come to the Hot stocks. The below are the hot stocks which may give good returns in the future.

Dish TV

Great Eastern Shipping (GE Shipping)
Hindustan Construction Company(HCC)
Titan Industries

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