Father eat food
Mother eat food
Son eat food
This food comes from where
We are buying okay!
Who it growths why?
Sons eats from his earns
Public eats his crops
Men want food
With out food he cannot live
No food he leaves
Man living for the food
Man working for the food
Man more earns money
But he wants compulsory food
He never eats money
So for food wants
Good food costly food taste food in food verities
Oil food masala food ill heath to the man
Good food sufficient food wants man for good health
He lives long with good health
Portions in vegetable food
Wheat and rice main food
Milk egg non vegetarian food taste food
Cow eats grass
Cow gives milk
Man eats food
Man do’s good and bad for the enemy and friend ship
Good man had good friend ship
Bad man bad habits
But farmer good for all
He gives food by the crop growths
His growths food grains paddy and wheat
His growths vestibules in different verities
He work does hard in rain and in the sun rise
Do restless in the day and night
What is his trouble in the growing?
Knows you
How cropped in the field
What s his difficulties
What are his duties?
How he can maintain easy
How it is possible
Why he faced loss and profits
Total family involves in the field works
He thinks country people his family
He know hungry
He did no angry
He supplies food grains to preparation food
Food eats men for energy
Power man does some things
He will do for him self and for others
Farmer had two types’ soil lands
Black and red fields
Paddy for block plots
Wheat for Red plot comfort to more growths
Rain water or canal water irrigation for agriculture
Fertilizers and pesticides Important to the field
Good seed for good growth