Historically, problems with the echo from the microphone and movements have adversely affected the quality of audio from a videoconference. For it is so spontaneous and natural as a face to face meeting, participants will require an audio "Full Duplex", which allows simultaneous conversations, however, to address economic and regeneration or feedback, audio systems of many took video, and even in some even take in a half-duplex mode, in which one person can talk at once, because even though the signals transmitted in both directions, only to pass in one direction once. Thus, people who are at one end of the video can not be heard while you are on the other side is talking, which differs from natural conversation, many of the current packages of video over the Internet offers ways Full Duplex.

5.6 Full Duplex Mode:

On both sides of the video you can speak and listen simultaneously, allowing for naturally occurring questions and interruptions by the speaker of the auditorium. A full duplex audio system requires either meeting room arrangements with specially designed acoustic technique AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancelation) or a combination of both.

Previously, to solve these problems require specialized microphones carefully located and complex calibration procedures for the room, ie fourth complex arrangements to produce a good sound effect. Most disposers echo, helps prevent signs of return to speech that occurs when someone speaks, with the signal from the microphone, however these systems require accurate calibration, a careful placement of microphones and speakers, and precise adjustment of the microphone sensitivity and volume of the speaker's voice. In many situations the quarter also requires special sound. These methods have the acoustic cover the walls with sound-absorbing elements such as heavy tapestries, tiles, tiles, carpets and special.

Currently, these problems have been eliminated because the video packets are techniques that minimize the AEC both the acoustic signal produced by the microphone when speaking as the echo of the videoconference in the fourth. Without AEC, the audience would hear an annoying echo the voice back to the other end of the video, however this technique has the disadvantage of requiring microphones routed to minimize the echo. As directed microphones lose the conversation in various areas of the room and do not allow much freedom in the speech of the participants of the videoconference.

However other packages incorporate a more modern technology and improved the IDEC (Integrated Dynamic Echo Cancellation), which dramatically improves audio quality. On the other hand, allows participants to hear and be heard easily from anywhere in the video conferencing room, without need for complex arrangements in the rooms and directed installation of microphones, CAPat farthest up conversations anywhere in the room.

Moreover, these packages have audio compression algorithms, which are responsible for providing an excellent sound fidelity, including any system previously installed.

Finally, the microphones for video conferencing available in the market, they can collect the voice of any spectator from anywhere in the room. Thus, people involved in the video are free to move around the room like they did if they were in a meeting face to face.

Analysis of contingencies

In any communications program, for more advanced and that is good, sometimes there are problems in its functioning and operation, especially the first few times you use it. Many of these flaws are out of control and even the user of the program, because they depend on the network, bandwidth, congestion exists, the number of stations that are using at any given time, etc. Others are human error that inexperienced users and even the experts sometimes committed for this reason some of the most common problems that can occur in a video and how to resolve to succeed.

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