Without our ancestors there is no way that any of us would be surviving now. They left behind so many great things for us and among those, one of the main treasury is PROVERB. Proverbs are meant to be taught, in a way the learners accept it.
My favorite proverb is "Time And Wait For None", where "time and tide" means time. Time is not constant so it won't stop and have a cup of coffee for anyone.Every second and minute passes away.
Things We Shouldn't Do:
- We shouldn't postpone our work.
- Everything should be done on time.
- Never miss a chance and never expect that chance again!!!
What Not To Miss:
If you are a grown up, you should educate your children at the right time.
We may get chances to get jobs or build or expand the place we live but we should never forget to do the things that makes your life,lively!!. Because time never comes around!!
Time Won't Wait:
Time will not wait until we give up our laziness, become active and do the action which will bring luck to us.In the past days if the ships didn't start when favorable tides or winds came, they had to wait for several weeks to get favorable winds to start sailing.It meant definite loss and suffering. Time always does one thing, that is passing away, it won't mind anything 'cause no one can see the path of time as to stop time.
Opportunities Don't Wait Too:
Opportunities do not wait for anyone.A man should be alert, vigilant and quick to act when they come to him. Once he misses them, he misses them for ever. He may not get them again in his life time. Losing an opportunity may make him lose a lot of wealth or the chance of getting a job.
Thank you,