Here are some simple tips on exercise and eating habits that enable you to make your life healthier. These tips on exercise and eating habits does not require any special diets or fancy training methods. This is the recipe for plain, workable everyday eating and daily exercise. The secret is to keep the good habits gained over a period of time. A common everyday exercise produces a surplus, wellness and good health and makes you more satisfied with yourself. Be active at all times. Try and find something you like. Participate in various sports activities and all-round physical activity indoors and outdoors.
If you have become a little tired due to any of your indoor or outdoor activities, start with something new that you think is fun rather than to just quit. During spare time, find things with friends that make you use your body. Trampoline, dancing, cycling, ball games, climbing hills, forest ride, swimming, bathing, etc. are a few of them. These things are also often more fun than when you sit quietly in a corner with a quiet activity. To walk or cycle to and from school and other similar activities are also a good training to your hands and legs.
Food: Eat breakfast or make lunch buffet - breakfast provides energy and increased concentration for a long day out. So never ever miss a breakfast for any reason. Eat at least three servings of green vegetables and two servings of fruits a day. Water is a thirst quencher - limit drinking soda. Lean types of milk are good as drink to bread and cereals. Eat regular meals, four or five times a day. This would provide a steady supply of energy and essential nutrients that are required by our body. It also makes it easier to stay away from snacking.
Physical activity: You should get the most time to exercise and be physically active at least for sixty minutes every day. The activity can be divided into shorter periods during the day, but it's also nice if you get a continuous workout of longer duration of more than sixty minutes. The activity should be as varied and engaging as possible to develop all aspects of physical fitness such as endurance, strength, agility and motor skills. Express yourself and use your body, it is natural! Do not place too much demands on yourself, but give yourself credit for the activity you do.
Whatever activities you decide to take part either indoors or outdoors must be on your own terms and interest without any compulsions from any quarters. Be friendly with all your neighbors and invite them to play, be curious and try to explore and learn new things everyday! Being outdoors is definitely a great fun to unwind you. Feel the joy of being in motion with the great good Mother Nature. It needs no emphasis that physical activity must become part of your day to day life. If you have good motor skills then you usually become more popular and less aggressive.
Here are some general advices on diet:
- Choose boiled or baked potatoes instead of chips and French
- Eat whole-grain and bread
- Feel free to use fish for dinner two or three times and eat fish spreads
- Choose lean meat for
- Choose skim milk, low fat milk or extra-fat milk and other dairy products with less
- Choose soft margarine or vegetable oil instead of hard margarine or
- Cut down on your intake of sugar, especially in the form of soft drinks and
- viii.Be careful with
- Drink water when thirsty.
If you live by these dietary advices, it will meet the body's need for vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.