Yoga In Our Life
Meaning and importance of yoga
Brief history of yoga:
The history of yoga is indeed very old. Nothing can be said firmly about the origin of yoga. Only it can be alluded that yoga was originated in India. The available evidences show that history of yoga is related to the Indus valley civilization. On the basis of various scriptures and sculptures we reach at the conclusion that yoga was a part of the civilization. Yoga is also mentioned in myth Mahabharata, Ramayana and Upanishads.
Meaning of yoga:
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ in verb form which means to unite or to join. Yog is its noun form and means union. It is concerned with the union of the individual soul with this absolute and divine soul. It is the science of the development of a man’s consciousness. Yoga is the “Unification of Atma with Parmatama”. It also means the unification of physical, mental intellectual and spiritual aspects of human beings. The following definitions can make you understand yoga better:
- “checking the impulses of mind is yoga”-patanjali
- “Yoga is attaining the pose”- Mahrishi Ved Vyas
- “The knowledge about shiva and Shakti is yoga”- Swami Sampurnanand
- “Oneness of a man with god is known as yoga” – Agam
Importance of Yoga
It is a universal truth that modern age is the age of stress, tension and anxiety. Nowadays, most of the persons have not been leading a happy and fruitful life. They are indulged in materialism. They are running after the money. For such people money is mother, money is father and money is god. These people are not happy with their lives .It can be alluded that everybody rich or poor is not happy with his life. Human beings have no time to think about leisure. Everything is time bound and man is running after them. At this junction, yoga can be significant for us. The following points clearly show the importance of yoga.
- Physical purity: Internal organs of our body can be cleansed by various yogic exercises. Basically there are three substances in our body, i.e., vaat, pitt and kaph. If there is a proper balance of these substances in our body, we may remain healthy. Neti, dhoti, Nauli, Basti, Kapala Bharti and tratak, etc. are such yogic exercises or shatkarmas which keep the internal organs or our body in a clean state. For the proper cleanliness and purity of our internal organs, we should perform these yogic exercises regularly.
- Cure and prevention from diseases: There are various diseases which usually hamper smooth functioning of people. Yoga not only prevents us from many diseases but also cures them. Various yogic exercises increase the immunity power of an individual. If any individual performs yogic exercises, he cannot fall prey to diseases. Vajrasana cures diabetes. A large no. of diseases such as bronchitis, sinusitis, arthritis. Gastritis, dyspepsia, asthama, high blood pressure, leprosy, urinary disorders, back pain etc. can be prevented as well as cured by various yogic exercises.
- Reduces mental tension: Yoga can help in reducing tension. It is a well-known fact that most of the persons remain under stress and tension. They think that money can bring happiness and peace to their life but it further intensifies their stress and tension. Partyahar, bharana and dhayana play a vital role for getting peace of mind. Makarasana, shavasana, shalabhasana, suptasana and bhujangasana are beneficial for releasing stress and tension.
- Beatification of body: Nowadays obesity is common. Everybody wants to be slim , because overweight people do not feel comfortable in society. Yogasans make th e body strong and perfect. Mayurasana is helpful for facial beauty. Through yogic exercises face becomes so beautiful that one does not require facial creams. Infact , yoga brightens the face.
- Provides relaxation: Rest and relaxation are essential for removing fatigue. Shavasana and makarasana are really very beneficial for relaxation. Padmasana and nadamsadhana are best means of reducing mental fatigue.
- Keeps the correct posture of body:
Nowadays postural deformities are common in individuals. Without good posture they are unable to do their work efficiently. They cannot enjoy their life. They usually put more energy in simple tasks. If we perform yogic asanas regularly, we can keep the correct posture of our body. Vajrasana , sarvangasana, mayurasna, chakasna, bhujangasana, dhanurasna are not only preventive asanas but curative also. Through these yogic exercises, we can keep our body in high profile.
- Yoga can be performed easily: In present day life everybody seems to be in a hurry. Life has become fast. Every individual complains of shortage of time. To do exercises other than yogic exercises requires a lot of time and money as well, whereas yogic exercises can be performed easily. These exercises can be done in short duration. Moreover these exercises can be performed in less space.
- Spiritual development : Through yoga efforts can be made to attain spiritual development. We can have a good control on mind by doing regular yogic exercises. Padmasana and siddhasana are best ways to achieve spiritual development. These asanas enhance the meditation power. Parayanam is also useful in attaining spiritual development.
- Increases flexibility: Flexibility is very essential in every human being. It makes the movement of body parts efficient and graceful. Various yogasans that enhance the flexibility in a person are chakarasana, dhanurasana, halasana, bhujangasana and shalabhasana.
- Reduces obesity: Obesity is worldwide problem. Obese people fall prey to a lot of diseases. Yogic exercises can help in reducing obesity. For example, pranayama and yogic asanas especially meditative asanas reduce the obesity. Research studies have shown that obesity is also caused by mental tension and stress. So, by reducing mental tension through meditative asanas obesity can be reduction.
- Improve health: Yoga helps in maintaining and improving health by making muscles strong and regulating other systems of the body such as respiratory, excretory, circulatory, nervous and glandular system. It increases the efficiency of these systems of body and thus improves health.
- Enhances moral and ethical values: Nowadays there is declining trend in moral and ethical values. By following the first two steps of astanga yoga, moral ethical values can be enhanced. In fact, the practices of yama and niyama such as non-violence, truthfulness, aprigraha, non-stealing swadhaya, santosh etc. make an individual more moral and ethical.
Elements of Yoga
Patanjali described eight elements of yoga in yoga sutras. These are called eight fold paths or eight steps through which ultimate goal of yoga can be achieved ie union of our souls to the supreme soul. These elements of yoga are stated below:
- YAMA: Yama is the first element of astanga yoga. Through the practice of yama one can abstain from doing things that keep ones mind involved in indiscriminate struggle for survival. One can remain away from violence. Yama consists of 5 moral codes of conduct ie ahinsa or non-violence, stya or truthfulness, asteya or non-stealing, brahmacharya and aparigraha
- NIYAMA: Niyamas are related to individual’s body and senses. Niyamas are also ethical practices as yamas. There are five niyamas such as : sauchas meaning purity, santosh meaning contentment , tapa meaning indurance, swadhaya meaning devotion and ishvara pranidhama meaning to dedicate all the deeds to god.
- ASANA: Asana means position or posture of body. It also means to sit in easy posture. Asans enhance the beauty of body by reducing inappropriate accumulation of fat in the body. There are various types of asanas such as corrective asans, relaxing asanas and meditative asanas. These types of asanas have different types of effects on various organs of the body. These asanas activate the functions of various organs. Asanas can be performed from young age to old age without any problem.
- PRANAYAMA: Pranayama is the control of the process of breathing. It means the appropriate control over inhalation and exhalation . Basically there are three constituents of paranama ie puraka(inhalation) , kumbaka (retaining the breath) and richaka(exahalation). There are various types of prayanama such as ujjayi , suryabhedi, sheedhkari, sheetali, bhastrika,bharamari, murcha and plavini. It helps in metabolic activities and enhances the function of heart and lungs. It also provides longevity to life.
- PRATAYAHARA: It’s a process of self-control in which an individual becomes able to control over his senses. Indeed, to introvert the mind and senses is called pratyahara. In pratayahara, the senses no longer respond to the external objects that hinder mental concentration. The attachment of various senses such as words, beauty, touch, taste and smell etc. diverts the individual from the way of self-welfare. The practitioner of pratyahara starts feeling extreme pleasure in God.
- DHARANA: Dharana is the concentration of mind. Generally, it is seen that the mind has a tendancy to get scattered but if the scattered mind is brought under control and set to one focal point , concentration is said to be achieved . The focal point can be in the centre of the forehead or navel a pointed soothing light at a distance. Dharaan is the first step towards Samadhi. In fact, dharana is a mental exercise which enables a yogi to go ahead towards dhayana and Samadhi.
- DHAYANA: Dhayana is a process of complete constancy of mind. it is a stage prior to smadhi. Generally dhayana remains attached to our live at every moment. But we do not understand its appropriate meaning. In fact, dhayana is a complete concentration of mind over a period of mind without divergence of mind.
- SAMADHI: The union of individual soul with the supreme soul is called Samadhi. Samadhi is also called the checking or destruction of all the impulses of mind. During the stage of dhayana, when the disappearance of self-awareness takes place, the yogi attains the stage of samadhi. He begins to feel the real truth. He forgets himself completely. He begins to experience the divine pleasure.
Yoga helps man in achieving union with god. It is a powerful stress buster in today's busy life. It can be practised to achieve relaxation and peace of mind . The ultimate goal of yoga however remains the attainment Moksha or Eternal Salvation.
Article by Deven Rana.