We have many account based with different email providers and also configured Outlook or other mail clients. When we click on a hyperlink :mailto. It would also open the different mail client which is configured by you. You would not like to send it using that client, however, would like to use different account. So you will need to close and open the new client.

Now think of a software, which will allow you to select the client from which you would like to send the email to. Isnt this something that will help us a lot.

Affixa is software which integrated your Google and Yahoo in the windows based. When you would like to send an email, it will ask you which account would like to send and you can select the respective account.

Some of the Affixa features:

  • Gmail integration with Windows Yahoo!
  • Mail integration with Windows Mailto
  • Link NEW - Attachment baskets
  • Desktop Mail

Affixa works with any desktop mail application, including favourites such as Outlook, Thunderbird, Outlook Express or Windows Mail.

To know more about Affixa feattures

To download Affixa : Download now



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