What is Information System :
An Information System can be defined technically as a set of inter related components that collect , process , store and distribute information to support design making and controls an organization. All organizations rely on data and information to process their working. They store and retrieve data on daily basis. Every organization deals with this subject of information design. Three major activities in Information processing are getting input , processing the input and then outputting the values. These activities forms what is called as information processing. The processing that is dealt here includes processes like classification , arranging and calculating.
The major business functions include sales and marketing , manufacturing and production , finance , accounting and human resource management. Every business and activity in an organization depends on the information system design and processing. These are basic concepts that every student must know- especially computer science students.
Main challenges for Information design are :
Strategic business challenge : with rapid updating in the economic condition every company must reform and redesign itself every now and then to survive in this competitive world.
Globalization challenge : When producing world wide products every condition in the exporting countries must be taken into consideration. Else the product will be a failure in the other countries. Best example is phones that are manufactured in other countries.
Information system architecture and Infrastructure challenge : The organization must keep updating itself for the infrastructure change.
Investment challenge: The investors must be confident on the company to keep investing.
Advantages :
It makes processes to get completed in short time. When we had to do some calculation then when we do it manually then it will take more time. If we use calculators to do the calculation then we can complete in a very short time. Information system help to know taste of customers very easily. We can get their feedback and keep improving. Best facilities are provided by Information systems processes like automated teller machines, telephones. This technology development has lead to over sophistication. Medical advancements have become very big sue to improvement in information system design. Internet has also made accessibility very easy.
Automating activities have eliminated jobs of people. This reduces manpower utilization. It also violates privacy's of personal lives through many activities. When there is a breakdown in information processes then there will be overall stagnation. When ATM is not working then there will be big problems. Some times heavy use of Information systems can cause health discrepancies. Example are the workers of IT companies who spend more time before the systems. They get an increased stress levels and other health complications. Internet also distributes illegal copies of software , books and articles. This will lead to heavy loss.
Thus , I made an attempt to explain the basics of Information system. Hope you all would have known.