Articles [Stories & Tales]

Just Another Love Story   It was the early hours of just another winter morning. People wearing woolen clothes and gloves were already leaving for work.  There was a thick blanket of fog covering the streets and it become denser with the increase...

There are a few tips on how to take care of your eyes. Do not read with your back to the light. Keep whatever you are reading, at least an arm’s length away. Do not let your hair fall over your eyes. If you get something in your eyes, do not rub...

This an ancient story from Scotland. In a place called Kin tail there lived a chieftain. He had son named Shamus who had a wonderful talent. Shamus could understand and speak the language of the birds. When he went hunting he chatted with the...

In olden days, traders from faraway countries came to Kerala to buy sell things. A few months after the traders had set off from China, his boat reached the Kerala coast. Suddenly there was a terrible storm and before the boat could reach the shore...

(This is a true story. I see her everyday coming in rickshaw in the evening. She waits in railway platform for her customers. And at night he returns back to her dilapated shanty a few kilometres away. She has a little daughter but has none and...

There once lived a very silly king who thought he was very sick. The greatest doctors in the kingdom could not find anything wrong with him, and so could not cure him. ``There’s nothing wrong with his body’’, they said.’’ Yet the king lay in bed...

R.K.Narayan's stories have south-Indian setting. "Half a Rupee Worth" describes the rise to prosperily of a rice dealer in the forties and his death, crushed under his own rice bag. Subbiah was a rice merchant at the market gate in Malgudi. He...

John Galesworthy's "Quality" is a heart rebdering story of two german shoe makers. Both of them were brothers, who sturggle to maintain the quality of their work in the face of mounting competition from the profit oriented big manufacturers....

Once there lived a lazy farmer. He hated any kind of work. He always wanted to sleep. He would often say: ``I wish I had a genie as my servant. He could do all my work and ask for no wages’’. One day a genie heard the farmer talk like this. He...

Kabir was a great poet and saint ho lived in India, hindered of years ago. He told people to love each other. This is the story of his life. It was a hot summer’s day. Niru, a poor Muslim weaver and his wife Nima were going to Varanasi. The sun...

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