Articles [Stories & Tales]

We know that God is present everywhere. He hearts what we say and sees what we do. That is why we must always do what is right. We must avoid what is wrong. It is, in fact, God’s law for man. God has given us power of thinking that we call reason....

Time does not wait for anyone. It is always fleeting at a great speed. Those, who let it slip by, are losers. They have to face want, minister and failures. But those who make the best use of time are gainers. They achieve success and enjoy fortune...

There are many laws of God for us. Modesty is one of them. It means being humble in greatness even. We may do great things and become great persons. We may rise to any high position in life. But we must not boast at all. We must not feel proud...

This is an imaginary story. I love you! 1st December, Zenscend. An island which has nearly half of it occupied by greeneries. A beautiful beach with crystal clear water; coffee stalls, ice cream parlor, restroom, and desks for aged people there;...

Man is a social being. He wants to live in the company of his companions, friends and relatives. It is almost impossible for him to live alone. As soon as a baby grows up into a child, it looks for companions. Boys and girls wish to live among...

Kamala Das is one of the few major voices in Modern Indian Poetry in English. She uses the English language for her poetci purposes. But she is very Indian in her choice of themes, characters, sentiment and locate. Her poem "The Dance of the...

  Robert Frost is one of the greatest American Poets. He is known as a New Englan POet, a farmer poet, a country philosopher,etc., He is a poet of man and nature. He describes man's feeloing pradecaments etc. by placing him in nature's scenes and...

A farmer had three donkeys. They were called Dos, Bos, and Hos. The farmer had not much use of them. So the donkeys remained idle and very often. One day Dos was standing at the back of the farm. He found a large carrot lying in the ditch. It was...

`Daddy, we also want to go camping’. Anil and Triveni had just watched a film on camping. It was such fun! `How can just the two of you go camping?’ asked mother. `Well ‘, said father, `let me see. Perhaps you can camp at uncle Jevan’s next...

One day long ears Rabbit was running along hippity-hop, tippity-lop when he heard Spouty the whale and jumbo the elephant talking. And this is what they were saying. `Jumbo my friend, you are the biggest animal on land,’ said Spouty,’’ and I am...

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