Articles [Stories & Tales]

Have you ever been to Delhi? Have you ever seen pictures of Nur-Jehan, `the light of the world’? Once, long ago, a poor Persian prince was coming to India with his family. On the way a baby girl was born to them. `It is only a girl,’ said the...

One day a little girl called goldilocks wandered far into the woods and came to the house of Papa bear, Mama Bear and baby bear. She looked into the room through the window. Seeing nobody in the house, she went in. Every morning the bears ate a...

In a beautiful green forest lived many doves. Every morning they flew out together in search of food. Every evening they returned to the beautiful forest and sat together. The king Dove was the wisest of them all. He salved everyone’s...

Bad girl You have many friends. You play with them. You laugh and joke with them. You talk to your friends. But is that all friends are for? Veena and Savita were good friends. They were in the same class. One day Veena was unwell. She was unable...

Lond ago there lived a Sultan called Shahriyar. he was rich and powerful. He had everything he wished for except a faithful wife. He married again and again, but not one of his wives was true and faithful. at last, he said, "All women are bad. I...

When we want more than we need, we are being greedy. Let us read the story of greedy king who was very rich. The king had a lot of money but he wanted more and more. And then what happened? Long ago there lived a king called Midas. He was very...

It was beautiful morning. Triveni and Thomas reached the elephant stand. Rani was waiting there with her mahout, Issar. Carefully they climbed onto her back, and set off ride into the forests of the Corbett National park. The jungle-cock craved...

Cleanliness means keeping one’s body, clothes, foods, and surroundings clean. It is highly necessary for health. It keeps off disease and makes a man fit and alert. It keeps him happy and gay. It adds to the personality of a person. People get...

A true friend is one who shares our joys as well as sorrows. A true friend is the greatest boon of god. Selfish friends can fund anywhere and at any time. They are always prepared to share our joys. But as soon as we are in trouble, they show their...

What is evil? Evil means turning away from God. It means disobeying his laws. It means doing what is wrong. God has given us several laws. He wants us to know and do what is true and good. He wants us to shun all evil. So, we must know well from...

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