Articles [Stories & Tales]

Falling in love with you was inevitable,my love for u is enviable!!I dont know why, I dont know when!!I fell 4 u, then fell again!!How can one resist? How cannot onefall in love with a creature so delightful??A smile so beautiful, a charm sowell...

Suppose a man loves a woman; he wishes to have her all to himself and feels extremely jealous about her every movement; he wants her to sit near him, to stand near him, and to eat and move at his bidding. He is a slave to her and wishes to have her...

One evening, the shopkeeper was about to close up for the night when he realized there was still one customer left in his store. It was a pale and thin young woman in a filthy dress. She was standing silently in the corner, and seemed to be waiting...

There was once a king in India, who wanted to build himself a palace more beautiful than any other in the country. He decided that its entire building would be supported by column only. The king called his chief minister and said, ``send men to my...

“Nature’s bequest gives nothing, but doth lend; And, being frank, she lends to those are free”… …The pencil in my left hand scratches Shakespeare’s fourth sonnet laboriously across the notebook paper lying on my father’s desk as the dreary rain...

Of the five incidents discrenible in the narrative the battle, the most brilliantly handled and most significant is the fable or episode of The Bee and The Spider. Though it is not directly connected with the main narrative, it is an essential...

"Journey to the Interior" by Margaret Atwood, is an ambiguous poem. It appears to compare and contrast two journeys, one into a jungle and the other into the inner landscape of the individual soul. Similarities : The poetess says that the...

Allen Curnow is New Zealand's most important poet. He believed in living literature. He once said, "You can't write literature, you can't paint art". The poem "Time" is in the first person. Here "Time" speaks for itself. Thus the poem is...

Satyam was new to the life of boarding schools and was not able to take bath and dress up quickly. As a result, today he was late again and was afraid that his teacher would hit him on his hand with a scale. He looked at his hands: soft, tender...

Play Scene -1: the place gardens (Akbar and some of his courtiers are looking at the roses) Akbar- where’s Birbal? I have no t seen him since this morning. First Lord- we too have not seen him, Badshah Salamat. The messengers came back saying...

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