Articles [General Reference]

Most of the women are interested in getting  ready traditionally for festival and tradition occasions. In the same manner women cannot goto office every time. So the working women should follow few precautions and tips. Modern - Wearing more...

  Can we tell what the duration of the women as mother is? Because it’s a 24 hours job. There is no weekend, no holidays, no promotions, no increments, no retirement. If we can measure her effort and pay her with a garland of numbers. You want...

  Maharashtra lies in the mid-west region of the Indian subcontinent. The physical state of land is similar in all over Maharashtra. Most of the part of Maharashtra is plateau region and these plateaus are called as Deccan. The state is surrounded...

Geothermal energy is the energy derived from beneath the earth’s crust. The interior of the earth is divided into three main regions-crust, mantle and core.  The crust is in solid state and we live on it. The inner regions are very hot with the...

  On the Independence day all Indian salute to our flag that is nearly 120 crore people.But do you know, the founder of this flag is from Andhra Pradesh state and his name is Pingala Venkayya.           Pingala venkayya is not only a founder of...

  Place your hand on the left side of the chest. You feel the vibrations. Keep your ear on the chest of your friend. You will hear sounds lub dub. These vibrations and sounds are made by the heart. The heart is situated inside the chest cavity. It...

  The body consists of many tissues. Each tissue is made up of many cell. Similarly, blood also has made up of many type of cells, that float in the liquid plasma. Therefore, blood is called as Fluid tissue. Adult has 5 liters of blood. When...

  The elimination of nitrogenous waste materials like urea from the body is called excretion. This is done by the kidney. Kidney is the chief excretory organ. In the human body there is a pair of kidneys located in the abdomen, one on either side...

Before writing this article, I was confused to choose the title of my article, what to write, what not to, etc. But then at the same time one of my friends from my home town called me and after talking to her, some strange feeling of peace...

      Fast food chains are nowadays growing trend in the each and every part of the world, now in India as well. Fast food is a term used for such variety of foods that can be prepared and hence served quickly. While any meal that takes less...

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