Articles [General Reference]

  I’ve been a corporate trainer for quiet sometime now. Although my experience is not much, I’m pretty well versed with many things that are there in the operational part of training. The reason I like this profession; even though I have no...

In this article we are going to learn about circulatory system in human body. The proper working of the body depends on health. A healthy mind in healthy body, makes a human being perfect. Health and hygiene keep the body in a fit condition. , They...

What is love love is essential for each and every man's life. Love makes us happy and it gives us energy to live. There are different kind of love is there. Parents love work together in children and help them to grow in spiritual. In Bible...

Exam time is the most crucial period in our life. The most challenging part of this period is that the whole years study is tested in just three hours. During the exam time, we are completely under pressure and tension. Following excuses are...

  Homeopathic Arnica and its uses Arnica Montana is a homeopathic remedy widely used for the injuries from fall or blow. The common name of Arnica Montana is leopard's bane or mountain tobacco. Arnica is a plant and grows abundantly in the...

  Paranormal Research Paranormal means against or beyond the normal, the experience which is against the scientific explanation. The word 'para' derived from Greek and Latin which means against, beyond or outside. Hence the paranormal subjects...

  Effects of moon on human body There has been many research going against or for the study with respect to effect of moon on human body. Some reports show the increase activity of mind and body during new moon or full moon day. First let us...

    FLEXIBLE SOLAR PANELS  - LATEST IN TECHNOLOGY! Flexible solar panels are the latest in the technology concerning clean and inexhaustible energy sources. These flexible solar panels are not only light weight but also incredibly flexible,...

  Mother’s Day is celebrated in every country with great enthusiasm nowadays. On this day we try to make our mother feel special by giving her gifts, by cooking and various other ways. On this very important day we show our love and respect...

  Sleep Walking Sleep Walking is also called as Somnambulism. It is a disorder where a person start walking or perform like simply sitting, going to bathroom, dressing, etc while asleep. Sometimes such people seems to be awake but they are not....

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