Articles [General Reference]

  There are many things we keep aside as waste in our home. If we think about it how it is useful then there will be more uses.  So when we are in free, we can use them for decoration and even for any other use.      Water bottle                ...

  Life never stops anywhere. It just goes on. We have to keep going, as this is what life, tends us. Problems do come in every person’s life. There is a solution of every problem and we have to solve it effectively. If we think that we could get...

                    Entertainment is must for every person and it is the key of success If you want to be happy then you have to spend your most of time on entertainment. Today every person is under stress. That is really bad for their health and...

Purchasing expensive cell phone by spending more money, but we should need to know how to use it according to the situation and circumstances. Using your cell phone according to circumstances around you is an art. So if you want to know it then you...

Very often people in certain parts of Bangladesh and West Bengal who has been using the ground water for many years suffers from general weakness of the body, low body weight,lesions on their hands and feet. Such symptoms are usually associated...

  Corruption and black money has become the national problem of India. Whenever a child is born in India, indirectly he becomes a debtor of three thousand rupees of foreign loan. The reason behind this is that India has been running in a large...

  Museum Every year 18th May is celebrated as International Museum Day. This day is of great importance for the museum professionals. On this day they get the opportunity to meet the common people. In 1877, the international council if museum...

India is the only nation which is the source of social culture, social behavior, social instincts and other social activities and that is why we are all well aware of the social status of our Bharat from Ramayana to update. But since the...

About Organic farming. We start to take our food from early in the morning.It ends with dinner at night. It may be tea or rice, or chappati or green vegetables and also nonveg items. But do we think what are we eating? We don't know as we...

  Now days we send mails to friends in funny manner, to colleague in professional manner, to family members in a special manner. But while sending mails we need to follow few rules. Let us see them. We have to send the information which is useful...

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