Articles [General Reference]

Warehouse of immense knowledge , wisdom and information Pledged to bring into the world of students reformation Souls that shower spicy tempers and icy cares Goodness of the world is secured just becasue they are there. Simple lives with high...

When it used to be just my day Everything used to go just my way I was so young full of strength With all my fellow leaves i used to play Swaying with all my friends up and down Enjoying with them from Dwan to dusk Never did i know i was just...

A Waterfall is a semblance of scenic beauty to many people. There might not exist a person who never has enjoyed the majesty and magnificence of a waterfall. Waterfalls lend a serene touch to those witnessing them, making them spellbound and...

ORIGIN AND HISTORY Inter-dependence is the cause of social life. Man cannot satisfy his needs himself. There is one service that invariably needs interaction between two individuals. This is sex. Sex work or prostitution became the first...

Photography The word photography has a sense triple This is the technique that can create images for the action of light. It is an image obtained by this technique. More generally, it is the branch of graphic art that uses this...

Evolution of Photography Subsequently, the photography is changing very fast. Indeed, the research results acquired by the scientists and people can very quickly improve. Progress following three directions: Reducing the exposure time by...

There are some secrets keys to your healthy marriage life. 1.Trust and loyalty. 2. Keep  faith in your life partner. 3. spend some  time to going dinner, coffee etc. 4. Share happy memories. 5. If there is any health issue then...

Yes!,It could happen to you!.What are we talking about here?Well the circumstances that can occur where you may have only few moments to respond to a life or death situation.If you are wondering what danger can present itself without warning, then...

There are lot of wealthy people. Wealth is acquired by a person in various ways, it could be ancestral.  It could have been made with lot of hard work and toil and it could have been attained through illegal means.  Whichever way it is made the...

" The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them, thats the essence of inhumanity"     -George Bernard ShawI still do not understand the mystery of God. Why did he have to create a creature like man...

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