Articles [General]

How to improve Education in Villages of India This is very important question for India. Today City places are being well educated but villages educational position is still a question mark so not only Government we are also responsible lot of...

  Social work needs to eradicate empowr and manipulate sections of populations that suffer from poverty situations such as hapless women who bear the brunt of low level of nutrition, healthcare in times crisis, famines, and other natural and...

  In the southern end of India, at Chennai, the global festival by Brahma Kumaris started in grand manner. Chennai is one of the sixteen cities that is hosting this festival on 3rd October 09. The programme started with cultural programme...

Murrah buffalo gives 6 liters of milk per day on average. If fed with highly nutritious fodder, they give more milk. They need more protection from diseases. Native on Harayana and Punjab Murrah he-buffaloes are crossed with country she-...

Mother is the first teacher to her child. Student learns from the teacher. Teacher occupation is great. September 5th is teacher’s day. Saint Kabir has said the Guru is next to God. This is because the teacher shows you the way to God. The Guru...

Make your home a safe place. Being aware and alert will go a long way in keeping our safe. Injuries at home are mostly caused by burns, electric shocks and poisoning. Accidents due to fire in the kitchen can cause serious injury or even...

1) The most powerful telescope in the world is situated on mount Semirodriki, in Russia. It weighs 840 tons, is 79 m long and can detect the flickering of a candle flame 24,000km away. 2) The musk deer can be seen in its natural habitat in the...

Education is enlightment.It is the one that lends dignity to a man.Education seeks to build up the personality of the people by assisting his physical,moral and emotional development. National or individual freedom,liberty and dignity of...

  Whither Goes Our Higher Education?   A recent proposal to increase the number of our universities by another 1500 to the existing number of 350 should be looked at detachment and rationality. The proposal has drawn a lot of flak from a section...

Studying for M.S. There are some good universities across the world and its better for a person to choose a country where English is spoken as national language. University Of California Berkeley - Usa Massachusetts Institute Of...

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