Sex education in school
I think sex education in school is necessary. To minimize the sexually transmitted diseases and the crimes. Instead of people learning from magazines and internet, they should be taught in school.. So that people won't consider it as a "taboo" and they won't be shy of it..(as we have also seen many people have posted their views in the name of anonymous)..
But at the same time i would also mention that this procedure should be done very carefully.. Just aping the curriculum of the western countries won't make any sense.. As we are different from them. There people are very open minded. And when in our country it was started it became a some voice but in my y view, first we must train the teachers. So that they can teach properly (considering the mind of an Indian child)
and we should make our own syllabus(and not copy the western syllabus)..
To suit the needs of our country as well as our students.