

    5 Types Of Writs |Constitution |Remedies|Article 32 and article 226

     Suppose this is your private property BUT -To protect that property, you are not allowed to build


    How to study smartly?

    Use these 6 tips to boost your academic performance and make those marks reach sky high!


    1)Learn the same information in a variety of ways.

    2)Make you of your internet connection by using tools like YouTube for

  • images 1prior to i gratify your quest as to why i dream of becoming the Indian

  • Andhra Pradesh Police arrested a man who kissed Baba in Kadappa district.

  • The Indian armed forces consist of the Army. Airforce and Navy. All 3 arms trace their pedigree to of the Raja.  They do not draw any sustenance  from the Imperial Mogul force or any other Indian military formation. The British ...

  • Indian Railways is the fourth largest railway network in the world. Inspite of being the fourth largest railway network of the world, majority of train rakes of indian railway are running with an average

  • Bharat Ke Veer is an initiative by Ministry of Home Affairs. It aims to raise funds for the families of paramilitary forces personnel who died on duty. All contributions made to this initiative will be exempted from income tax. Akshay kumar and Pullela Gopichand are the trustees for this trust.

  • China is developing a long range rocket with electromagnetic propulsion which can fly over the Himalayas and hit in central India. This is first time that China has said that it is developing rocket keeping India in mind. According to the No First Use policy of India, it can use nuclear weapons

  • This is becoming a mess for everyone. Specially in India, covid -19 is a topic which has many meanings. for some people it's profit, for some people it's opportunity, and for some its the end of everything that exists. its a huge difficult task to be patient and wait for some miracle that will


    Democracy is defined as for people ,by people and of people .Democracy is a situation in which the government is voted by the people and the representatives rules on the behalf of people. It is their responsibility to raise voice of  the people who have selected them and

  • With the amount of backlogs in the Indian Justice system, do we need a immediate revamp of Judiciary...

    After all justice delayed is justice denied. What do you think? What steps/reforms are needed?

  • China has shown its double face or double Standards by cracking on Muslim population in China as they are sending all muslim population to some camps where they will be "re-educated" or they may be forced to give up Islam. They say that they don't want Muslim majority areas in China to become

  • There are several e-governance websites introduced by the government of India. For example -- INGRAM-> For consumer complaints, FSSAI--> For food related complaints. Then there are websites for PF transfer and for RTO work. What I have noticed is that almost all these websites are least

  • trashed

  • Essence of life

    Life is a gift that is bestowed upon every being by God. Life can’t be created but can be destroyed by a single mistake. Life is born when two souls meet. It starts to get used the moment we open our eyes in this filthy world. We are born with neither hate nor love,

  • This is a topic on which not many people speak on. However, the silence needs to be broken and the truth must be revealed. Parenthood is one of the most difficult things to do. It is not just about raising a child, it is also about maintaining a social status with earning for the family, but

  • gautam budha was born at lumbini, more than 2,500 years ago. he was from a royal family, being a son of a ruler of the sakya tribe and he had every comfort that all looks for. yet, gautam was unhappy. he was searching for more and questioned many things he saw and was not able to accept

  • Wishing all members a very Happy Dussehra. Let's celebrate this festival of win of good over evil and hope that troubles and obstacles in every body's life are ended just like Ravana was ended by Lord Rama .

  • The man passes through various stages of life, thinking of making his life the best. All luxuries which a person wants in his life lead him or her to various miseries, possess various tests, ups, and downs, and reach to an extent of the thing or maybe to higher levels of

  • In the online and internet media how to ensure that our passwords are not stolen or done away with. Also how to know whether in a smartphone any transaction is secure or not as no green https is shown on login page in mobile sites. Are they reliable. Also it is said that Android phones are


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