15 years ago
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15 years ago
Please give a brief idea how to give it in Orkut, facebook and other social networking sites.Most of the users are unaware of it.
Visit my blogs:
15 years ago
I ahve shown my payment proof in my blog
in this blog there is my Proof of payment from boddunan also My referral link to this site.
Start a blog like this.
Then add this blog in orkut at about me or at set your status.
Then add the photocopy of cheque in your orkut album.
One more interesting thing you can do is in orkut there is option for promote something you can post your blog link with a very good caption to attract others in this way we can get very good number of new members to our site.
similarly you can add in other social networking site also
in this blog there is my Proof of payment from boddunan also My referral link to this site.
Start a blog like this.
Then add this blog in orkut at about me or at set your status.
Then add the photocopy of cheque in your orkut album.
One more interesting thing you can do is in orkut there is option for promote something you can post your blog link with a very good caption to attract others in this way we can get very good number of new members to our site.
similarly you can add in other social networking site also
15 years ago
I hadn't received cheque since hadn't crossed the minimum pay out limit.I came here only two months before.
I hadn't received cheque since hadn't crossed the minimum pay out limit.I came here only two months before.
Visit my blogs:
15 years ago
In Orkut I had given a promotional ad.But no one came under my referal.Also I had an English blog which is inactive now.In other social networking sites I can't see the way to promot it.
Visit my blogs:
15 years ago
The suggestions are very good and right spirit. I hope all will consider the suggestions favourable and do their best to promote the site.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
15 years ago
Dear Abid No need to worry once you got payment from boddunan then you write a new blog and post your cheque proof and referral link there so that you can get good referrals to this site.
If you have not reached at minium pay out til today then try to post around 50 article before this month ends so that you can get Rs1000 next month
If you have not reached at minium pay out til today then try to post around 50 article before this month ends so that you can get Rs1000 next month
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