A small Birthday message for the member can be displayed in home page for the whole day.This will make the members very happy.

Friends, please share your views on this.

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This is a very good suggestion Meean. It will also let others know when someone has a birthday. :) :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

What a great Idea Meean Jee!!

It is an excellent idea.
It would be a very special wishes from Boddunan family.
I hope Moderator will implement it soon.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.


You took my idea! lol, this suggestion i have already posted in birthdaywish thread!

did you look ? anyway good suggestion .
Sorry Sajeetharan.I did not see your Idea. It might be a coincidence :-)

'Suggestion queen' Meean madam jee come up with one more great suggestion for the welfare of the boddunan and boddunan family.I hope maverick and atul sir also like this suggestion.

Mam i also feel that you must be coming with next suggestion early.
Yes, Really nice suggestion Meean. :)
jasmeet singh wrote:
[quote]'Suggestion queen' Meean madam jee come up with one more great suggestion for the welfare of the boddunan and boddunan family.I hope maverick and atul sir also like this suggestion.

Mam i also feel that you must be coming with next suggestion early.[/quote]

Well Friends,
Never think that we(Maverick and Atul) decide everything. Its you all members who request features and decide. If any one suggest any feature and members support the idea suggested, we get on work to fulfill that and implement at the earliest.

There are few suggestions that needs some longer time to be implemented as it requires some technical issues to be solved during testing of the feature.

Features like any module to be added needs time to be developed and tested and ready to use by the members. And suggestions like Certificates, T-shirts, Caps, etc. take considerable little time to finalized the implementation.
Hope all members understand. Have patience and we add more such features to our family site.

[quote]But this doesn't mean-- Stop requesting features.Keep posting your suggestions.[/quote]
We will definitely make all happy and maintain a friendly working environment.

-Atul B
Site Coordinator.

Yes we can add this Birthday Module to our right side panel above our Website Stats.

Need your valuable feedback.

-Atul B


Yes it is good one.. and displaying it in forums where number of active members are displayed can be also done..instead of home page as most of the member visit forums and can wish the person after seeing it..
REALLY A VERY GOOD SUGGESTION.....................


:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
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