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16 years ago
Wow.. that's a good idea. But just opening the article should not be a criteria. The purpose will be fulfilled only when the user read the article. So if the users stays on the page for some time, the author will gets the points.
Similarly the current "Points when reading article" will be modified to the same criteria. If the user actually read the article then only points will be awarded to him :)
- Maverick
Similarly the current "Points when reading article" will be modified to the same criteria. If the user actually read the article then only points will be awarded to him :)
- Maverick
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
16 years ago
yes maverick,this will be a great move. Otherwise,members will open and close to get more points.
Thank you.
Thank you.
16 years ago
Hi maverick,
We can include the "DIGG feature" for articles. And we can give 1 or 5 points for every digg gained by the author and as well to the digger.(but giving digg points to the reader will make an easy way to earn points, so we can keep only fro author)
And also we get a way to select "Article of he Month" instead of nominating.i.e. article with most diggs will be the winner.
Please visit http://digg.com/ check the bottom part of website to integrate Digg to our article pages.
Please comment on this.
-Atul Barapatre
We can include the "DIGG feature" for articles. And we can give 1 or 5 points for every digg gained by the author and as well to the digger.(but giving digg points to the reader will make an easy way to earn points, so we can keep only fro author)
And also we get a way to select "Article of he Month" instead of nominating.i.e. article with most diggs will be the winner.
Please visit http://digg.com/ check the bottom part of website to integrate Digg to our article pages.
Please comment on this.
-Atul Barapatre
16 years ago
Seems to be good idea. The response to the nominations is very low. May be we can use this procedure to select the best article. I will see how much effort is required to integrate this feature and the possibilities.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
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