13 years ago
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13 years ago
Hi Roshan,
Thanks for your suggestions, we will update the code for it.
Thanks for your suggestions, we will update the code for it.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
13 years ago
This is nice suggestion. I also agree with you. I have also seen this but ignored many a times as it hardly matters.
13 years ago
Dear Roshan
As we know you says you are SEO guru could you share some more tips which i can implement in our blog's contents.
As we know you says you are SEO guru could you share some more tips which i can implement in our blog's contents.
Santosh Kumar Singh
13 years ago
I'm sorry but I said I'm NOT a SEO guru. I just know something since I've searched for SEO tips a lot on Google when I was working with my blog. Anyway, you could try sites like problogger.net (I bet you know that blog already!)
13 years ago
You are not a SEO guru that is not a problem but if you have some ideas then you can share with us.
Santosh Kumar Singh
13 years ago
Roshan that was good suggestion indeed and hope the admin will change it. But can you explain why those things are needed.
13 years ago
thats a great suggestion.Roshan keep going on thank you
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Roshan that was good suggestion indeed and hope the admin will change it. But can you explain why those things are needed.
I the title thing was for better search engine result. The bigger titles and the removal of blocks increases the visibly of the article and also make the site look clean. I mean when there are so many other stuff on the top of the article the article gets push down of the page which decreases it's visibility, after all people reaching on article pages are looking for the articles!
Thank you said by: Rajani K
13 years ago
Lets wait for the response of the admin on this issue.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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