You will be wondering about the topic of the thread and it is nothing but a little suggestion. In India people love IPL and today ( 19/1/10) IPL 3 auction will take place. First time when the auction was done, I missed it watching LIVE, and came to know about the team by surfing in net, So do you think it will be effective if the members who will watch the IPL 3 auction live today, can share their experience or give a detailed report about the acution in an article, so that we can expect many page views tomorrow where people will surf net to find what happened in today's auction.I believe the members who are going to watch the auction live will have the great chance to give a full report article about the auction.
This is just a suggetsion and you can also share your views about this.
Have a nice day.
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This is a fantastic idea raghavan.
I do not have so much knowledge about cricket but who ever like cricket can post some message here with some image of IPl team which will drag some traffic to our site tomorrow
Hi Members I think you can also write an article about this hot topic and make sure you submit very soon as informed by Maverick and I believe with the help of following statistics you can update the info....
Indian and US dolor rough calculation,
3.42 crores - US $ 750,000
3.28 Crores - US $ 720,000
2.78 crores - US $ 610,000
1.14 crores - US $ 250,000
1 Crore - US $ 220,000
45.6 Lakhs - US $ 100,000
22 Lakhs - US $ 50,000
8 Lakhs - US 17,500