There are 3 rooms? 1. Gold coins? 2. Currency Notes? 3. Cotton Bags? if the 3 rooms catch fire. On which room will the ambulance pour water? Reply must ? i will tell you about your brain?

Santosh Kumar Singh


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2-currency notes because if we save Currency then we can make that room again
Firstly, I think it's not ambulance. It's Fire engine that pours water.

And coming to the puzzle, I think they'll pour water on Gold room. Because, by the time they arrive the currency n cotton will b completely destroyed. The only thing they can save is Gold.
I did not think that question is right fully so there is no matter of ambulance in this question but there may be some logical answer.
It may be a typing mistake.I also agree with sai madhuri's answer that water will be poured on gold as remaining things would have burnt by the time
Hello Santhosh,

You have posted this in "Suggestion box" topic which is not much relavant to the question. You could have posted in Q n A or general discussions
how can i modify it on edit my question.

Santosh Kumar Singh


its a tricky question to test our mind.. the simple answer is ambulance will not pour water.... only fore engine pour the water.. and telling ur mind for ur answer and all for this question is totally lie
My answer

sai madhuri and vivekm have got answer. ambulance can not pour water. that is the answer of this question.

Santosh Kumar Singh


What can you tell about brain from this puzzle? I think this is not a puzzle but a tricky question only.No need to think on the question.

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