After a long gap of absenting myself from boddunan :S ,I'm back....and I'm surprised to see the members count(it has risen up!!!) and two of my articles are in most read section :woohoo: , there are many new things :laugh:
I'll be posting more articles soon!!
*Imagination encircles the world *
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Dude.... you don't believe I was just thinking about you and why you are not logging in... Welcome back and remember that our Moderators are on vacation.. But other members are doing a great job and making this site lively and I wish you also help other members so that Boddunan always rocks... once again welcome back.....
[quote]For those who don't know about this member "Thirukumaran" I just want to inform you that this member created the logo for this site, which you can see in the top left corner..[/quote]
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