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jayen is right......hope to see the correct answer today in night...

:) :) :)
The title could be "Brain Foolery" instead of "Brain Teasers" :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes, keep it in stomach either the animal's or the human's is the best method.

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Abid got the answer quite correct

The correct answer is :

"Let the milk be inside the cow"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Deepti Thats why they are called brain teasers because they tease your brains. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Ha ha ha...This answer is really good and better than the previous brain teaser you put.
I thk the answer is similar to that given by Bhanu.. Anyway good answer...
jayen i think my answer is true....don't milf the animal till needed :( :(
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