11 years ago
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Today, I noticed for the first time that Ram Baboo is now a Caesar- an upgradation from emperor. I don't know when he got to this position. Any way, belated congratulation. .
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
Congrats Rambabu...though I had noticed it earlier..really don't know where it falls in the ranking system..since it is not mentioned in the ranking system in FAQ section.
Congratulations once again!
Today, I noticed for the first time that Ram Baboo is now a Caesar- an upgradation from emperor. I don't know when he got to this position. Any way, belated congratulation. .
Thank you sir. Though belated, your complement boosted my morale.
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Congratulation Rambabu sir. You deserved it. It is a fantastic work done by you. Though i want to post and reply like you due to work and time i can't able to come in the race.
Today, I noticed for the first time that Ram Baboo is now a Caesar- an upgradation from emperor. I don't know when he got to this position. Any way, belated congratulation. .
Thank you sir. Though belated, your complement boosted my morale.
Many C0ngratulations Rambabu, wish you all the best :)
Congratulation Rambabu sir. You deserved it. It is a fantastic work done by you. Though i want to post and reply like you due to work and time i can't able to come in the race.
If I can do it, you too can . Anybody can with proper Time management.
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