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13 years ago
I mostly read sandhya posts and sasikanths. and remaining which are very interesting forums and which are knowledgable
:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: but you always responded to my threads also though you never said it that my threads are interesting. :blink: :blink: :blink:
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
13 years ago
This is greatness of you to continue in the site and enrich the entire community with your valuable discussion. I hope you will always be on site as far as your other commitments allow. I also log in the site only when I find time.
No Sir! Don't call it greatness! I am too small a fry to even aspire for it! But I can assure you that as long as you are here,I'd continue to enjoy myself staying here! That's pucca, unless some exigencies take me off! :P :P :P
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
I just wrote it because I think as someone who is a moderator must not say it openly that I like someone's post she/he must treat all equally this is my view.If I were a moderator here I would not have mentioned a specific name. :blink:
As a member I would say usha Ji post good threads but its a surprise no one mentioned her name here. :blink:
Thank you said by: usha manohar
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
I just wrote it because I think as someone who is a moderator must not say it openly that I like someone's post she/he must treat all equally this is my view.If I were a moderator here I would not have mentioned a specific name. :blink:
As a member I would say usha Ji post good threads but its a surprise no one mentioned her name here. :blink:
I completely agree with your views on Usha! She is one who has been rising in my esteem very steadily and in a very short span has made her presence felt in the forum. All the best to her!
Thank you said by: usha manohar
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
I just wrote it because I think as someone who is a moderator must not say it openly that I like someone's post she/he must treat all equally this is my view.If I were a moderator here I would not have mentioned a specific name. :blink:
As a member I would say usha Ji post good threads but its a surprise no one mentioned her name here. :blink:
That's for sure. She certainly post many interesting and informative threads. But I am really surprised that many of the members do not read the threads according to the topics of their interest but go by specific member's post.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
I just wrote it because I think as someone who is a moderator must not say it openly that I like someone's post she/he must treat all equally this is my view.If I were a moderator here I would not have mentioned a specific name. :blink:
As a member I would say usha Ji post good threads but its a surprise no one mentioned her name here. :blink:
That's for sure. She certainly post many interesting and informative threads. But I am really surprised that many of the members do not read the threads according to the topics of their interest but go by specific member's post.
In my opinion too one should not respond to the thread by seeing someone's name but should respond as per the interest. :blink:
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
I just wrote it because I think as someone who is a moderator must not say it openly that I like someone's post she/he must treat all equally this is my view.If I were a moderator here I would not have mentioned a specific name. :blink:
As a member I would say usha Ji post good threads but its a surprise no one mentioned her name here. :blink:
That's for sure. She certainly post many interesting and informative threads. But I am really surprised that many of the members do not read the threads according to the topics of their interest but go by specific member's post.
In my opinion too one should not respond to the thread by seeing someone's name but should respond as per the interest. :blink:
Respond to everyone's post. Then you can reach me earlier :cheer: :cheer:
It's true, I never respond to person specific. But to post specific, though I like certain members' post most.
When I read a post, if I can add something, I will post. If no, I will leave it...for the best responses also . ..particularly politics :P :P
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
I just wrote it because I think as someone who is a moderator must not say it openly that I like someone's post she/he must treat all equally this is my view.If I were a moderator here I would not have mentioned a specific name. :blink:
As a member I would say usha Ji post good threads but its a surprise no one mentioned her name here. :blink:
That's for sure. She certainly post many interesting and informative threads. But I am really surprised that many of the members do not read the threads according to the topics of their interest but go by specific member's post.
In my opinion too one should not respond to the thread by seeing someone's name but should respond as per the interest. :blink:
Respond to everyone's post. Then you can reach me earlier :cheer: :cheer:
It's true, I never respond to person specific. But to post specific, though I like certain members' post most.
When I read a post, if I can add something, I will post. If no, I will leave it...for the best responses also . ..particularly politics :P :P
No I don't respond to every post. :)
I just go to recent tab and see the recent thread if found interesting comment there otherwise search another one. :)
13 years ago
I think the topic is getting slightly diverted and most people will anyway always name those people who they feel are their friends! This could be a cause for a divide! Just saying, no offense meant to anyone!!
I just wrote it because I think as someone who is a moderator must not say it openly that I like someone's post she/he must treat all equally this is my view.If I were a moderator here I would not have mentioned a specific name. :blink:
As a member I would say usha Ji post good threads but its a surprise no one mentioned her name here. :blink:
Sanjeev, thats really very nice of you to say that, and genuinely I thank you :) however, my own personal feeling is that it is better not to have such threads and polls where we keep rating performances with the intention of getting a pat on our own backs...it is but natural that the most visible members posts become popular for obvious reasons ...other lesser active members are bound to feel insecure !!
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
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