15 years ago
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15 years ago
Hai Raji,:)
Welcome to Boddunan!
Before you proceed,I would like you to take a tour of our website and also go through New Members FAQs
Writing for effect
Least you have a doubt,we are here to clarify!
A very happy Onam to you and your family!
Thanks and Regards,
Swetha Shenoy :)
Welcome to Boddunan!
Before you proceed,I would like you to take a tour of our website and also go through New Members FAQs
Writing for effect
Least you have a doubt,we are here to clarify!
A very happy Onam to you and your family!
Thanks and Regards,
Swetha Shenoy :)
Swetha Shenoy
15 years ago
Hello raji,
Welcome to the house of Boddunan.com. I am sure you will appreciate your own decision for joining this site that is right for the youngsters like you who have appetite to learn more and share information that you have.
- Harish Jharia[/b]
Welcome to the house of Boddunan.com. I am sure you will appreciate your own decision for joining this site that is right for the youngsters like you who have appetite to learn more and share information that you have.
- Harish Jharia[/b]
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
Hello raji,
Feel comfortable and if you have any question to ask... just go to forum section, select a feature of you requirement and post your question there. I am sure that your question will be attended to promptly.
- Harish Jharia[/b]
Feel comfortable and if you have any question to ask... just go to forum section, select a feature of you requirement and post your question there. I am sure that your question will be attended to promptly.
- Harish Jharia[/b]
Harish Jharia
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