I have a sister studying in 10th class, after seeing Boddunan she is very much interested to join in Boddunan.

My question is we both will be using the same system and our IP address will be same. Is there any problem if two persons contribute from the same IP address?
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You can send personal message to Maveric sir before using both same computer so no problem otherwise wise you may come under suspension of duplicate account.

Santosh Kumar Singh



To my knowledge, more than one person from same computer can contribute very well here.

Most of the time you would not face any issues unless there are only one member act as two real people over there.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Ok thank you sir, its my sister whose going to use the other account...
Well boddunan doesn't checks ip address. So it is not a problem. Post useful articles here.

Cool information and hot earnings @
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