15 years ago
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15 years ago
I think if one line space come than it is ok. But two line space is not allowed between paragraph or lines.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
Sorry, you took me wrong! I didn't mention about the spaces between two lines... but I mentioned about the spaces you leave while starting a new line. ( I'm unable to explain properly!)
I hope I've to post some images to potray my problem correctly!
I hope I've to post some images to potray my problem correctly!
butterfly_poem.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)
Poem_1_1.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
poem.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
15 years ago
It is called indentation.
I am attaching pictures of some hindi poems.. It will help you to convey exactly.
Some samples...
Sample 1:

Sample 2:

Sample 3:

I hope it will make clear to others ...
I am attaching pictures of some hindi poems.. It will help you to convey exactly.
Some samples...
Sample 1:

Sample 2:

Sample 3:

I hope it will make clear to others ...
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
15 years ago
Wow, thanks a lot Kumaresh! This is what I want to convey. I hope the admins or senior members might answer this problem.
15 years ago
It is my pleasure to share the knowledge whatever little I know.
I think Maverick will pay attention on this problem.
You can send PM to him also.
I think Maverick will pay attention on this problem.
You can send PM to him also.
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
15 years ago
What happened?? Plz, anyone find out a solution for it...there are cmments below my articles that they are looking weird due to absence of spaces!
15 years ago
First you try to past in the word file than remove space than take it on notepad.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
I understand what you are saying.I think maybe the boddunan editor is designed for articles only, that every paragraph or line will start without a space in front.
The best person to answer this is maverick.As kumaresh said PM him.To send a Private Message(PM) click on the PM button of maverick just below the picture (avatar) in the forums.(seen between online and profile buttons)
I understand what you are saying.I think maybe the boddunan editor is designed for articles only, that every paragraph or line will start without a space in front.
The best person to answer this is maverick.As kumaresh said PM him.To send a Private Message(PM) click on the PM button of maverick just below the picture (avatar) in the forums.(seen between online and profile buttons)
15 years ago
Have you checked the indent button???.There is an indent button.It is the fourth button to the left of "paragraph" in boddunan editor.When you click it the cursor moves in fixed interval giving space.This might be the solution to your problem.Try it and don't use space bar to create space before line.
Have you checked the indent button???.There is an indent button.It is the fourth button to the left of "paragraph" in boddunan editor.When you click it the cursor moves in fixed interval giving space.This might be the solution to your problem.Try it and don't use space bar to create space before line.
15 years ago
Thanks, I'll check it out that button!
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