Can we post the content of the article in a discussion also.

If it is not accepted can we post an abstract of our article in a discussion topic

Guru S Shivaa
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But why????? We have a great platform here to post articles in the articles section!!!!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
yes i'm agree with you Deepti!

We have a great platform for posting articles in articles section !
Guru S Shivaa wrote:
[quote]Can we post the content of the article in a discussion also.

If it is not accepted can we post an abstract of our article in a discussion topic

Guru S Shivaa[/quote]

You can give a link back to your article in discussion. If you find some excerpt or some part of the article that you want to highlight in discussion, you can do so.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Yes, in order to highlight our article some discussion may be necessary in forums also.

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