16 years ago
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16 years ago
Don't worry about all these things. It is pretty easy. Here is the procedure we are following.
When your account reaches the minimum payment threshold, i.e. at present Rs. 1000, we will send you the verification code withing 2-3 weeks. So you can validate yourself on the website.
So when you validated yourself your payment will be processed on the next payment day i.e. on 25 of every month at present. Your check will be reached to you within 4 weeks.
Please note that the validation of yourself is just a one time process and need not be done every time we process your payment. And no need to provide us any address proofs.
You will continue receiving your checks every month if you reach minimum payment threshold.
Hope this clears your doubts.
When your account reaches the minimum payment threshold, i.e. at present Rs. 1000, we will send you the verification code withing 2-3 weeks. So you can validate yourself on the website.
So when you validated yourself your payment will be processed on the next payment day i.e. on 25 of every month at present. Your check will be reached to you within 4 weeks.
Please note that the validation of yourself is just a one time process and need not be done every time we process your payment. And no need to provide us any address proofs.
You will continue receiving your checks every month if you reach minimum payment threshold.
Hope this clears your doubts.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
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