11 years ago
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11 years ago
You can use Boddunan support button available at the bottom. Or you can also open Mevrick profile and pm him directly.. Don't worry, your first payment will be via cheque so may be it is taking time. But it will reach you soon.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
You can use Boddunan support button available at the bottom. Or you can also open Mevrick profile and pm him directly.. Don't worry, your first payment will be via cheque so may be it is taking time. But it will reach you soon.
Thanks for the reply, Anand. I am actually in need of some bucks and I was expecting to be got paid earlier. Nothing else. Actually, I have to pay my domain bills, so I am waiting impatiently.
11 years ago
You can use Boddunan support button available at the bottom. Or you can also open Mevrick profile and pm him directly.. Don't worry, your first payment will be via cheque so may be it is taking time. But it will reach you soon.
Thanks for the reply, Anand. I am actually in need of some bucks and I was expecting to be got paid earlier. Nothing else. Actually, I have to pay my domain bills, so I am waiting impatiently.
I can understand.. Cheque process is little slow.. but I guess after getting bank transfer mode you will get it fast.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
11 years ago
You can use Boddunan support button available at the bottom. Or you can also open Mevrick profile and pm him directly.. Don't worry, your first payment will be via cheque so may be it is taking time. But it will reach you soon.
Thanks for the reply, Anand. I am actually in need of some bucks and I was expecting to be got paid earlier. Nothing else. Actually, I have to pay my domain bills, so I am waiting impatiently.
I can understand.. Cheque process is little slow.. but I guess after getting bank transfer mode you will get it fast.
It is just the need of the hour to know it. Actually, I thought we would at least be getting an intimation about the developments. Just wanted to know the status.
11 years ago
You can use Boddunan support button available at the bottom. Or you can also open Mevrick profile and pm him directly.. Don't worry, your first payment will be via cheque so may be it is taking time. But it will reach you soon.
Thanks for the reply, Anand. I am actually in need of some bucks and I was expecting to be got paid earlier. Nothing else. Actually, I have to pay my domain bills, so I am waiting impatiently.
I can understand.. Cheque process is little slow.. but I guess after getting bank transfer mode you will get it fast.
It is just the need of the hour to know it. Actually, I thought we would at least be getting an intimation about the developments. Just wanted to know the status.
The practice of intimating individual is not there. When the problem encompasses the whole community, Thr administrator will intimate all. Your's is an isolated case and the answer can be got through PM to the administrator only. Did you contact through PM? I got prompt replies from the administrator many times pertaining to such problems.
11 years ago
You can use Boddunan support button available at the bottom. Or you can also open Mevrick profile and pm him directly.. Don't worry, your first payment will be via cheque so may be it is taking time. But it will reach you soon.
Thanks for the reply, Anand. I am actually in need of some bucks and I was expecting to be got paid earlier. Nothing else. Actually, I have to pay my domain bills, so I am waiting impatiently.
I can understand.. Cheque process is little slow.. but I guess after getting bank transfer mode you will get it fast.
It is just the need of the hour to know it. Actually, I thought we would at least be getting an intimation about the developments. Just wanted to know the status.
I believe you have already sent a PM to admin for a solution. The best way to have your problems sorted is to contact support or admin or you can PM a mod to help you find a way. Thank you, now this thread is closed.
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