12 years ago
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12 years ago
When you open the editor make sure that you type the text right at the beginning so that there is no extra space in the top. In the course of writing an article, we tend to keep hitting enter which creates unnecessary space at the bottom, this can be checked by using the scroll button of the editor in the right side. Normally the space goes down and we do not view that space, so make use of scroll button and delete that space. In your article there was space on top as well as bottom!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
When you open the editor make sure that you type the text right at the beginning so that there is no extra space in the top. In the course of writing an article, we tend to keep hitting enter which creates unnecessary space at the bottom, this can be checked by using the scroll button of the editor in the right side. Normally the space goes down and we do not view that space, so make use of scroll button and delete that space. In your article there was space on top as well as bottom!
What you have said is alright. But what I said is also not wrong. As I said, I pressed and held down the backspace and delete button to check. I pressed it until I deleted a character at the top as well as the bottom. But still it showed up. :(
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