13 years ago
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13 years ago
Go to community tab
In profile tab, there is option to change picture.
But actually why are you changing your present one....it's really nice :)
In profile tab, there is option to change picture.
But actually why are you changing your present one....it's really nice :)
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I got bored with the same photo so I want to change, but I couldn't find that option in profile tab. Can you send me the exact URL and also if possible mention where it is present.
13 years ago
I got bored with the same photo so I want to change, but I couldn't find that option in profile tab. Can you send me the exact URL and also if possible mention where it is present.
In the main menu itself, you can see community tab...3rd one. Just check it and reply.
Karthik, you are from Tamil nadu. Isn't it?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Sandhya karthik have mentioned his reason that he got bored of this present photo.
Karthik goto community and then profile and then change profile. Then choose file and then upload. thats it
Karthik goto community and then profile and then change profile. Then choose file and then upload. thats it
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
I got bored with the same photo so I want to change, but I couldn't find that option in profile tab. Can you send me the exact URL and also if possible mention where it is present.
In the main menu itself, you can see community tab...3rd one. Just check it and reply.
Karthik, you are from Tamil nadu. Isn't it?
@Sandhya Rani,
No, I am from Andhra Pradesh and thanks for your help.
13 years ago
Sandhya karthik have mentioned his reason that he got bored of this present photo.
Karthik goto community and then profile and then change profile. Then choose file and then upload. thats it
Ya, I got it and thanks a lot..
Animated-bunny-chicken-pulling-easter-egg.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)
13 years ago
Sandhya karthik have mentioned his reason that he got bored of this present photo.
Karthik goto community and then profile and then change profile. Then choose file and then upload. thats it
Ya, I got it and thanks a lot..
Where is my thanks...?
Give me one too..
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6450]}
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Sheeja please ready before theads, karthik has thanked you. I think in overlook you didnt notice it
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Karthik I think you did not it. Please follow what sheeja told.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
Karthik, did you try or not. Itseems you didnt try as you didnt change your picture
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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