Before two days i have submitted two articles namely,
Socket types and issues with IP fragmentation
Both the articles are approved and each article is credited with Rs.5 .
But today you have rejected the above articles and displayed as copied content.

already i'm disappointed with referrals earnings,now i'm so much disappointed with this issue.

I don't know what's going on.

Please maintain a proper system and approve articles and earnings.Don't approve and then reject.Don't credit amount and then deduct.

Vijay U

Vijay U
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You might have copied the content from other websites. So,Editors are rechecking each entry for copied content. So,I think your articles get deleted.
Both of the articles are copy of the content taken from the below articles:

Please post genuine articles written by you and do not copy content from anywhere.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I write in my own,but it was unfortunately happens.I didn't copied it.

Ok anyway sorry for the mistake.

Vijay U
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