Todat I tried to put an image in forum discussion.To insert it there asks URL.If the photo is one saved in my computer how can I put it in forum?

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Here in some forum replies I sees pictures added.Ask them how they did it.Sure they will help you.
If the image from another computer, you can use image button while replying(not quick reply).

t is on your computer, use upload image button
2010-20100224-3.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Mr. Maverick

I am unable to upload the image through the way you said...I think there's a technical problem...

Here's an example-

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See it's coming like this...

What do you think the problem is..

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Hi friends,

let me say some steps, which I follow.

1) If you wish to add an image in forum post, then don't choose "Quick reply", rather choose " REPLY TOPIC".

2) As soon as you chose "REPLY TOPIC", then you will be in HTML code page.

3) In this page you will have options like, Bold, Italics, Underline... etc.

4) Now chose the last but one option in that row( i.e second from right, in that row).Click that.

5) You will get options like

i) Size
ii) URL

6) You can just page the URL in the provided column and click insert button.

7) As soon as you click insert, a code will be displayed in the page, with the codes,[img], [/img] before and after the URL.

8) Then you can submit and view the image in your post.

9) Other option available is that you can browse the image from system using the option "Select image file to attach", which will be present below the HTML page

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Hi Anu_ Love is life,

The image submitted above( our National Flag)has the .png extension.

I also tried the link you gave and of course there is an error.The extension for the image link you gave is jpeg.

So I tried a .jpg image rather, but fortunately it was working and the image got displayed.

So I tried to find the difference between "JPEG vs JPG" ( I am sorry, I am not an expert in this) and found out some results, which I guess may be helpful, ( Source for the below difference: )

1) JPEG is the extension given by the Macintosh
JPG is the extension used in Windows

2)The difference is that E stands for EXTENDED picture graphic . It is more something more than jpg .For us it means nothing but jpeg files carry more information than jpg files.

I am not 100% sure, whether the differences above are correct or wrong,and please correct me if I am wrong.

You can solve this issue:

I believe .jpeg extension is not supported.( Please correct me if I am wrong) So another way you can upload that picture is that, you can save and upload from your system.


1) Download the picture, ( right click and use Save Image as)

2) I tried to upload the image from system after downloading, but still I got the error as you mentioned. So you need to follow this.

i) When you download that .jpeg image, you right click the image and chose the option "OPEN WITH PAINT".

ii) Then a paint window will open and don't do any alterations in this.

iii) Go to file and SAVE AS.

iv) A window will open, so as to save the image.

v) You can name the file as you wish, but make sure that "SAVE AS TYPE " option at the bottom, below the file name has the type " JPEG(*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*JFIF)".

vi) If you don't have the above file type as default, then you can change to this option, with the help of Drop Down Menu".

3) Once you save this image, you can upload in the forum, using the option, "Select image file to attach", which will be a the bottom of the HTML page.

I tried this way and attached the image you mentioned.

I guess you got some idea.

Have a nice day.

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Wow senior members are really helping and working really hard to create traffic for boddunan website and it was really helpful and i will try to use it
Hey Raaghavan Krishnamurthy Thank you so much...That was really helpful and I did understand it...I will try it and see the difference... :)

Thank you so much once again...

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
Hi Raghavjee..
This visualisation is very good.I think this will be helpful to all now.I will try the same.

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Thanks friends, it is my pleasure

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