i can see this thing 'karma' on my profile & others profiles...what is it??
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Karma is nothing this implies the quality of your posts.If your post is valued and it used to some person he will give karma.If not he will reduce your karma.

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nice...i gave u one karma :)
Thank you said by: Sasikanth
The concept of Karma is very well explained by Sashi and yes it also reflects your popularity in the forum...!
hmmm...how do i increase my karma??
you need to write valuable post which are helpful to the members then if anyone like your karma then they will increase your karma. But one thing karma is just to know whether you are liked by others or not . but it is no way related to points or earning money

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sarala is right, karma is only to know if you are like by others are not and their is no points are earnings for this karma and its not at all related to earning. so you just keep on posting good valuable post.

Thanks shashi for increasing idea about the karma this is very good.
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