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Incidents like these confirm Delhi as the crime capital of India. :( :( :(

What the hell happening with these people...Deadly
Yes friends you are right Delhi is not safe place for women.last month according to survey 90% women of Delhi has said that Delhi is not safe.No action taken in 11 years term of Delhi female CM for the protection of women.

Even lady CM can't protect her wining state women from crimes,then whats need of these long term on CM posts...
sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]he should beheaded in taliban style

such peoples are don't deserve to live in this world

if he pay some money he would have got women for sex at any time.why the hell such people are spoiling the life of some innocent girl[/quote]

I reciprocate the sentiments of Sajeetharan. He has recommended beheading of the culprit. Actually, this would be just.

But we cannot act in Taliban way. Instead the existing law in IPC should be strictly implemented. The women organizations should take initiative in bringing about awareness and preparing women and young girls for facing such crimes. Also, the raped woman should not be stigmatized.

I have one more suggestion to make. The ultra rich are proud of their ill gotten wealth inherited from forefathers, earned by malpractices and spared by tax evasion. They use their influence and assets to commit the crime.

I suggest that the various items/ assets used in crimes should be immediately seized and licenses cancelled/ deferred. In the instant case, the motor vehicle used by the industrialist should be immediately seized and confiscated.

The sure way of fighting crimes committed by the rich is to cancel their passport, driving license and seize/ confiscate personal vehicles as all these help them committing crimes against society. Their arms license should also be canceled. If necessary, law should be amended for the purpose.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is real a unsolved problem which is not cared by security in Delhi. Being a state capital it should be a live example with proper safety but still no actions against such crimes.

As said by sajeetharan maybe we have to take such a drastic step but how many can be beheaded as rape is one of the most common crime and is increasing day by day...

Agree with Gulshan but who is going to follow these these steps the police ???They are itself in the grip of rich and popular figures to attend such type of cases...
Rajani K wrote:
[quote]This is real a unsolved problem which is not cared by security in Delhi. Being a state capital it should be a live example with proper safety but still no actions against such crimes.

As said by sajeetharan maybe we have to take such a drastic step but how many can be beheaded as rape is one of the most common crime and is increasing day by day...

Agree with Gulshan but who is going to follow these these steps the police ???They are itself in the grip of rich and popular figures to attend such type of cases...[/quote]

It is aptly said that the police are in grip of rich and queried as to who will implement.

As I stated in my post- Women organization should take leading role in curbing such crimes. The Govt. should frame law to confiscate the motor vehicle, cancel the driving licence etc. in addition to action under I.P.C. The women must join one or other women organization and get redress through the bodies. The police are handmai8den of rich but they can be compelled by women bodies and student unions to take strict action according to law.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes maybe you are right Gulshan ji....As i think students have solved some cases before maybe they can show some way... :)
Rajani K. You are right The younger generation particularly students have the potential to force change and ensure justice.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It appears that not only Delhi but also nearby area are suffering from the same disease. Just two days back, a woman seeking accommodation on rent was taken to a flat, where a group of men attempted to rape her. She saved herself by jumping from balcony in nude condition.

As I suggested in the same thread, all assets used in committing crimes should be confiscated. Thus, in this case, the flat also needs confiscation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No wonder this incidence happened in Delhi. If it would not happen in Delhi where it would happen. Delhi has to retain his Crime Capital crown.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Really what does men having such kind of motives want. Why do they spoil the lifes of so many girls.
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