CHINA has already prepared for war against India.

Chinas Army silently occupied more than 32km hill station of Indian border.

Chinas 13 satellites clearly focus all activities of Indian Army.
PAKISTAN is also increasing their army in Indian border.
SRI LANKA officialy gave its 2 army airports to China on 6th sept 2009.on 2011 or 2012 India is goin to face a 3-side attack.

Why not our government is doing anything regarding this. We are not so much powerful as compare with china regarding arms.
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@LOhit thanks for raising this issue!!

This is indeed very alarming and concerning! Equally disturbing news is the huge numbers of insurgent Bangladeshis crossing over into India via Assam. They have already captured the numerous labour ooportunities in Assam!! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

In 1962 the war we had against China completely swept us off our feet as we were hopelessly clueless about Chinese motives.But now things have changed and no need to lose our sleep on it!
We are really in danger. Empty sentiments and words will not help us. We have to be self sufficient in food and have very strong defence forces. We need to curtail expenditure on luxuries and comforts. Jai Jawan jai Kissan should be our spirit. All our resources should be deployed on basic food necessity and military power.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

However powerful China might be,it simply can not afford to lose sight of the fact that India possess minimum nuclear deterrent and any misadventure on its part won't go unpunished.
But Why not india is preparing itself for our own protection. India must put this issue is international commettie forthe china's cleverness.
Thanks Lohit for starting this topic. I was not aware of the information you have provided. It will be very difficult for India to face a 3-side attack. We have to start planning for that from now itself.
Yes meean, our politicians are just here for earning money. I never see in this current time a true politician who work for india truely.
Such axis existed earlier too.In the sixties and seventies the US aligned itself with Pakistan and armed Pakistan to the teeth but all the evils designs were foiled by us.But then eternal vigilance is the price of freedom as the saying goes.We must remain vigilant all the time.
Yes sir i am agree with you in this matter. Now the right time came for India to give strictly answers to enemy countries.

International relationships are controlled and guided by a completely different set of variables and complex logic.No country respects a weak country and we have to develop pur strength matching the very best in order to strike fear in the minds of any prospective invader.
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